Pan's Trinkets cards

From BelowSpecialSkillUpgrade 3 (4) cards in your discard pile for the rest of combat.
Rise AboveSpecialSkillUpgrade 3 (4) cards in your draw pile for the rest of combat.
Spent LodestoneSpecialSkill0Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. (Put a Lodestone in its place.)Exhaust.
Unbound FurySpecialSkill1(Draw !M! card.)While in your hand : You cannot play other Skills, Attacks are played an additional time.
WardSpecialSkill0panstrinkets:Quickdraw. Gain 6 (9) Block.
Bag Of DaggersUncommonAttack0 panstrinkets:Quickdraw. Deal 4 (6) damage. Return this card to your draw pile.
Corrupted IdolUncommonSkill1While this is in your deck, you have 20 more Max HP, and add a Void (*Dazed) in your draw pile at the start of battle. Exhaust.
Dark RubyUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 8 (12) Strength this turn. Add a Void to your discard pile.
Dim LanternUncommonSkill0panstrinkets:Quickdraw. Next turn, gain [E] ([E]).
Explosive TrapUncommonPower1Innate. Ethereal. Next time you take damage, deal 15 (21) damage to ALL enemies.
Golden FeatherUncommonSkill0Upgrade 3 (4) cards in your draw pile OR your discard pile for the rest of combat. Exhaust.
KaleidoscopeUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, add a random panstrinkets:Illusory card of any color in your hand.
LodestoneUncommonSkill0Put a card from your draw pile into your hand. Put a Spent Lodestone (*Lodestone+) in its place. Exhaust.
Mirror ShieldUncommonSkill1Gain 12 Block. Gain 1 (2) Artifact. Exhaust
Orichalcum ArmorUncommonSkill1Gain 5 Block. If this card is in your deck, gain 2 (3) Block at the end of your turn.
Runic BoomerangUncommonSkill0(Retain.)The next card you play goes (go) back to your hand. Exhaust (.)
Sapphire LocketUncommonSkill0Innate. Ethereal. (panstrinkets:Quickdraw.)Draw a random power from your draw pile. Exhaust.
Shielding TalismanUncommonPower1Shuffle 2 (3) Wards into your draw pile.
Soothing BalmUncommonSkill0(Retain.) panstrinkets:Quickdraw. Exhaust ALL your Status cards.
The PlanUncommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. They are Retained this turn. If they are Retained, Upgrade them.
Universal DictionaryUncommonSkill1panstrinkets:Large. Draw 6 cards.
Worn WhetstoneUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) Strength. panstrinkets:Large.
Amorphous MatterRareSkill0Choose a random trinket to add to your hand. It is panstrinkets:Illusory (and Upgraded).
Echo ChamberRarePower3 (2)Every 5th card played is played an additional time.
Fang HammerRareAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. If Fatal, heal HP equal to unblocked damage dealt.
Hungry CoinRareAttack1Lose 10 Gold. Deal 3 damage. Permanently increase this card's damage by 3 (5).
Ornate MirrorRareSkill1Choose a card that isn't Fleeting in your hand. Add a (Place) copy of it to (in) your hand. (It costs 1 less [E] this turn.) Exhaust.
Sealed BoxRareSkill2Gain 75 (150) gold. Lose 2 Max Weight. Fleeting.
Shard of MadnessRareSkill2Permanently reduce the cost of a card in hand to 0. Lose 4 (2) Max Weight. Fleeting.
Symbol of FuryRareSkill1Ethereal. Shuffle an Unbound Fury (*Fury+) into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Wraith CloakRareSkill2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 1 Intangible.

Pan's Trinkets keywords

panstrinkets:DurabilityWhenever you play this card, lose 1 durability. When it reaches 0, remove this card from your deck.
panstrinkets:IllusoryIllusory cards are exhausted when you play them, or at the end of your turn if they are in your hand.
panstrinkets:LargeWhen drawn, put a random card other than this one from your hand on the top of your draw pile.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
panstrinkets:PlannedThis card isn't discarded at the end of this turn. If you do retain it, gain [E].
panstrinkets:QuickdrawWhenever you draw this card, draw one card.
panstrinkets:ShiftingWhen drawn or played, replace this card with a random Shifting trinket
panstrinkets:WeightYou can only carry trinkets of a total weight lower than 10.
panstrinkets:keywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.